November 2017

Egypt Display

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Mrs. Turner's World Histoy Honors classes interacted with a pretty cool Egypt display yesterday. Awesome things happening in our classrooms!

Reflections Contest & Winners

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

We had 131 students participate in the PTA Reflections program this year. 136 entries in Literature, Visual Arts, Photography, Film Production and Music Composition were submitted. Congratulations to the following students whose entries will move onto the Council level of judging.


Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Every Vote Counts

 Please remember to vote today if you have not already voted

Boys Basketball 1st Cuts 11/6/17

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Thanks to all those that tried out. Coach Carroll and I admire those that put themselves out there and tried. Wish you the best. Please return the practice jerseys to Coach Carroll or Coach Gull. These individuals made the first cut.

Butler ,Marcus
Crocket ,Ben
Mercado ,Kyler
Rogers ,Quincy


October 2017 Students of the Month

Submitted by mike.sorensen on
  • It’s that time again, we are pleased to recognize our Diamond Fork “October Students of the Month”. These students were selected by their teachers and peers as those who not only excel academically, but who are examples of good character and kindness. These students were honored this morning at a breakfast with their parents and those who nominated them.

Food Drive November 6-17

Submitted by mike.sorensen on
  • Our annual Diamond Fork food drive will begin today and run through November 17th. Non-perishable food items and canned goods are appreciated. Students will be competing with their 6th period class to see who can donate the most items, we have a school goal of 25,000 items. The top 3 classes will be rewarded with a prize. The 1st place class will receive a pizza party, 2nd place root beer floats, and 3rd place will get King size candy bars. We want to say thanks in advance to Mr. Buck and all those who will be helping.