News Outlets Coming To DFJHS

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

PARENTS: You and your children have been so generous with food and other supplies and as a result, our school is the single largest contributor in Utah County to Tabitha’s Way! We have collected close to 20,000 items to date toward our goal of 25,000 that we want to meet by this Friday. Because of this compassion for others, we will be interviewed by multiple news agencies this week.

If you have been planning to donate, but have not yet done so, or would like to contribute more - please have your child bring his/her items by Friday so we can take everything to Tabitha's Way. We have also collected over $1,500 in cash donations that we will use to purchase additional food items that are in great demand. Thank you for your generosity in making our 19th year food drive a huge success! 

Alesha LeMmon