Thank You Veterans!

Submitted by mike.sorensen on
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Veterans should hold a special place in our hearts and minds. They put their lives on the line to protect our way of life, their families, and your family. From WWI, WWII, Korea, and the Arabian Gulf to Afghanistan and Iraq; these brave souls experienced much of what you may not ever become aware.Often, we don’t dwell on the dangers that face our servicemen and women as they work to protect our freedom. But, it is there. Today we honor and celebrate those who are willing to put their lives on the line for millions of Americans through their service in our armed forces. They do so in order for you and I to enjoy the freedoms we experience each day. Take a minute today to say “Thanks” to a Veteran you know in your life. Or if you see someone in uniform outside of school go up to them and say “Thank You”. We owe our freedoms to their sacrifice, thank you Veterans.