Welcome Ms. Barazoto

Submitted by mike.sorensen on
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Hello! My name is Mrs. Barazoto and I am excited to be at Diamond Fork Jr. this year! I teach 8th grade English and (obviously) love reading and writing and a good debate as well. I love Jane Austen, Shakespeare, Suzanne Collins and J.K. Rowling and I'm currently reading Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series. I'll read any good book you give me! When I'm not at school I love adventuring-- rock climbing, hiking, swimming, anything outside and active. I went to Disneyland for the first time this summer, spent a week on the beach and hiked all over southern Utah. I also love Netflixing with my hubby and trying new recipes (we made some gorgeous Italian Braciole the other day)! I studied at BYU and love teaching. I do it for the kids, but my passion for English and the invaluable skills it empowers us with drives me as well. I'm excited to make this year a fun one with my eighth graders! It'll be an adventure as we improve our skills, think in new ways and become good humans.