May 2018

Diamond Fork Students Attend LIA Conference at the Universityof Utah

Submitted by brenda.burr on

Our Diamond Fork LIA students attended the LIA conference at the University of Utah along with 1,700 other students around the state. The conference theme, “I Can, We Will,” focuses on students using higher education to find their voices and passions, as well as helping them succeed in becoming community leaders and trailblazers. The event features two keynote speakers, Joaquín Zihuatanejo, a poet, and Jeffrey Allen Mendez, an entrepreneur, marketer, and sales training expert.

Utah Prevention Day-May 3, 2018

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Governor Gary R. Herbert has declared May 3, 2018, as “Utah Prevention Day!”

Utah Prevention Day gives secondary schools around the state an opportunity to celebrate the prevention lessons that students have learned throughout the year. Teachers can review and reinforce those life skills taught before students leave for the summer. We want to protect our students from the dangers of drugs, under-age drinking, violence, crime and bullying.