Chalk The Block with HOPE!

Submitted by bart.thompson on

As part of HOPE WEEK, our Hope Squad and Stand4Kind Club chalked positive messages of love, suport and hope on our sidewalks and stairs!  We ARE Stronger Together!

#dfjhs    #dfjhsallin    #strongertogetherdfjhs    #neboschooldistrict


Submitted by bart.thompson on

Wednesdays are "Stand4Kind" days at DFJHS, and we encourage students to wear RED in recognition of that. This week, for HOPE WEEK, we put additional emphasis on wearing red, and the students responded in a BIG way! Way to go Diamondbacks!!

#dfjhs    #dfjhsallin    #strongertogetherdfjhs    #neboschooldistrict

If You Can Dodge a Wrench, You Can Dodge a Ball--Intramurals

Submitted by bart.thompson on

As the morning weather gets colder and darker, the gyms are heating up with GREAT BALLS OF FIRE!!! It's time for our Dodgeball Intramurals!  Teams of up to 11 students compete to be the last one standing in this test of agility, speed and strength.  Who will it be?

#dfjhs    #dfjhsallin    #strongertogetherdfjhs    #neboschooldistrict

HOPE WEEK--Day 1--Hats Off to Hope

Submitted by bart.thompson on

Hope Week at DFJHS got off to a great start on Monday with "Hat Day."  Many students and faculty found their best and boldest hat to show their support for the HOPE SQUAD and our HOPE WEEK!  Here's the schedule for the remainder of the week:

Tuesday:  Superheroes

Wednesday:  Wear RED (Stand4Kind color)

Thursday: HALLOWEEN Costumes

Friday: Favorite College or Wear YELLOW (HOPE Squad color)

#dfjhs    #dfjhsallin    #strongertogetherdfjhs     #neboschooldistrict